“Office” Trim

We replaced all of the windows and pretty much finished our upstairs room over 3 years ago when we got all of our siding redone and windows upgraded to double-pane (woot woot!). This room, which we still call the “office,” (despite the fact that it’s been close years since it’s actually been an office!) remained in a state of “almost done” for a couple of years (you know, having a baby, having another baby… we’ve been busy!).

Back in August 2017 my dad made great headway with the trim- but it wasn’t until 2019 that everything finally came together and all the trim was done (thanks to my dad on all of this- I barely helped, mostly walked around with distracting toddlers and babies).


some before shots of the windows


more unfinished windows


windows done, but beam/posts not wrapped


beam/posts wrapped!


big window….




door to the patio, before




don’t have a before shot of this, but this is the door to our bedroom


Even though I’ve experienced it enough times that I shouldn’t be surprised by it, I continue to be amazed by how much better a room feels once the trim is done.

One last thing… THANKS AGAIN DAD!!!!

One thought on ““Office” Trim

  1. We got lucky. Jacob removed the planking from the old deck outside the “office”. The exposed side looked horrible. But after scraping the down side, it exposed the beautiful eggplant hued old growth redwood that we were able to use for the windows. There wasn’t enough for doors or beam/post, but we did a nice job finding some reclaimed material that compliments the room. I have to say, the triwindow element to this room is very cosy with exceptional views. When I come into this room, I marvel at what it was, and what it has become. Not sure if Tasha ever posted the work we did to shore up the ceiling and to add the huge beam not shone in these pics, but all together, very nice!

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